Dax Murray: Revolutionary Fantasy
As someone who is low-income due to my own disabilities, I know that affording books can be a struggle. I also know that despite how great libraries are, not everyone has access to them. I know that not everyone has digital privacy and even library apps can be problematic. If you would like to read my books, and are prevented from obtaining it via a retailer or library (my books can be requested via Libby and most of them are also on Hoopla!), I do offer a no-questions asked review page where you can find all of my works usually available on retailers. You do have to sign up for StoryOrigin to request it, but you do not have to provide your legal name. Truly, all I ask in return is that you be willing to leave an honest review. It doesn't need to be more than two or three sentences. An honest review on a platform of your choice can help drown out some of the negative reviews left be homophobic and transphobic readers that various retailers and platforms refuse to remove despite them being clear TOS violations.
There is no time limit on how long you can take to read and review the book. The StoryOrigin system will send you a reminder automatically, but please do not feel pressured by this. It's something that StoryOrigin set up, not me. Take all the time you need. Truly, an honest review helps me get more sales. In the long run, I do make more money from giving out free review copies to people in need than I would be you buying the book. Promise.
Ebooks are not always the most accessible and I know some readers do prefer paperbacks and hardcovers. I have a system set up on IngramSpark where you can order physical copies of most of my books at-cost. This means I may get $0.50 - $0.75. I am fine with this. Due to retailers taking 55% of the suggested retail price, I usually make much less on print books! This is just cutting out the middle-man and passing on the savings to you. Please do not feel any guilt or shame if you purchase one of my books directly from IngramSpark using these links.
I much prefer that you get a free review copy or purchase via IngramSpark than try to obtain my books via a pirated site. Many of those sites do not actually have my books, what they have is viruses and malware. And the few that might have copies of my books, will probably also infect your computer with crypto-mining software, meaning your CPU will be worn out by malicious actors trying to make money. If you truly wish to read and enjoy my books and the above options do not work for you for some reason, you are welcome to reach out to me on Mastodon or via the Contact Me form (sometimes the Contact Me form filters things into spam that aren't, FYI) and I will do my best to work something out with you. I am a person of low-income and disabled and know the struggle myself. Please, do not pirate my books when you have other options that do not pose the risk of destroying your computer and compromising your security.